Saturday, April 17, 2010

Birthday Cards For Uncles & Auntie

used toothbrush
kitchen strainer
food coloring
white roll cartolina
art scissors and ordinary scissor
1 pc of paper

  1. Use pencil to draw a cake on piece of paper then cut it.
  2. Cut the white cartolina using the art scissor.
  3. Put the cake shaped paper on top of the white cartolina.


  1. Dip the used toothbrush at the food coloring.
  2. Rub the used toothbrush on the kitchen's strainer.
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 until it's done.


  1. Cut some pictures and letters from the old magazines or newspapers then paste it.
  2. Use fingers to spread the glitter's glue.

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