Tuesday, February 17, 2015


[Photo Source: Biblia.com]

Fear is a sin because we don't trust God. Proven that fear is not from God, in His words, God never gave us fear but of power, love and self-control.

I have a bucket list of fear. I need to accomplished with the help of Jesus
  • Fear of popping balloons
  • Fear of dog
  • Fear of noisy honking bus
  • Fear of fire crackers
  • Fear of sleeping time on my own

My mom's bucket list of fear, so she needs more help to Jesus
  • Fear of homeschool won't work well because she thought that she can't do it
  • Mommy can't do by herself, she needs daddy always
  • Fear of financial

Do you have sinful fear that you need to confess to God? And ask God to help you

By: Otnie

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