Thursday, June 22, 2017

I Can Conquer The Day!

Conquering the day is by choosing "what is right" rather than what is easy. It's about living a victorious life in Christ. So! By doing that, we're the true winner. It might be "hard" to do what is right, but in the long run, it would be the "Best"!

(Soccer Players & Coaches, All for HIM!)

It's our (Otnie & I) first time to be part of Mega Sports Camp last May 23 - May 27. Our roles in Mega Sports Camp! are!!??...Otnie as a soccer player, while I'm a huddle coach! Yey! 😁  we're not in same team.. hehehe! Each day, we learned the MEGA Points and MEGA verse together up until now  😊

(with my very "supportive" PARTner & "spiritual" leader)

Mega Point for DAY 1 is I Can Conquer The Day When I..."Practice With Purpose." 1 Samuel 17 is a story of David that he learned lots of new skills as a shepherd boy, which is proven that God trained David so "well", then later on...David became king! David loved God so much! even though taking care of sheep is pretty much boring, but David spending a lot of time talking with God. He could sing, play harp and write songs to God while he's watching the sheep. David as a shepherd boy gave time to practice many skills (Not only one skill!) and improved it even more.
(with my soccer team & Otnie the photo bomber)

Practicing with purpose is not always fun, sometimes can be frustrating, but it can help us stay focused and improved "more skills". God loves us so much, we are "unique!" (never compare to others!) He gave each one of us a greatest purpose in our lives. We can won a battle in life and be useful to God if we are humbly enough to accept ourselves on what God wants us to learn or to improve more.
(stacking their hands together then throw it up in the air and shout "All for HIM")

Lately, I've wondering why Otnie needs to practice violin at least 4 hours a day!!?? 😮 😱 but for me, 1-2 hours a day would be enough. It reminds me the story in the bible about "parable of the talents." In Luke 19:11-27 & Matthew 25:14-30. God gave us talents...or what we called "skills." We should be productive in using our talents, don't stick with "only one" talent. As i've mentioned before that David practiced and improved many skills. We use our talents not only for our own "selfish purposes", but to honor God. We should be "satisfied" and "joyful" from doing our best with what God had given us.
(Otnie is in Coach Gab's soccer team play with Coach Mimi's soccer team)

Otnie and i have particular skills or task that we need to practice with purpose. Our first priority is by waking up early! then having a devotional time together with "no" interruption! meaning to say that when it comes to spend time with God, i should have peaceful mind, my heart should focus on God, i shouldn't be thinking of what to do for the day.
(Otnie with Mega and other soccer players)

Second is more on attitude or let says... more on fruit of the Spirit (But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind - Galatians 5:22-23).
(my big Josh and small Josh)
  • Alertness - being aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses.
  • Boldness - CONFIDENCE that what I have to do say or do is true, right, and just.
  • Compassion - investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others. 
  • Discernment - understanding the deeper reasons why things happen.
  • Discretion - recognizing and avoiding words, actions and attitudes that could bring undesirable consequences.
  • Endurance - the inward strength to withstand stress and do my best.
  • Enthusiasm - expressing joy in each task as i give it my best effort.
  • Flexibility - willingness to change plans or ideas according to the direction of my authorities.
  • Forgiveness - clearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudges.
  • Gentleness - showing consideration and personal concern for others.
  • Gratefulness - letting others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life
  • Humility - acknowledging that achievement result from the investment of others in my life.
  • Initiative - recognizing and doing what needs to be done before I am asked to do it.
  • Joyfulness - maintaining a GOOD ATTITUDE, even when faced with unpleasant conditions.
  • Obedience - quickly and cheerfully carrying out the wise direction of those who are responsible for me.
  • Orderliness - arranging myself and my surroundings to achieve greater efficiency.
  • Patience - accepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it.
  • Responsibility - knowing and doing what is expected of me.
  • Self-control - rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right.
  • Truthfulness - earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts.
  • Wisdom - making practical applications of truth in daily decisions.
 (my soccer team play with Coach Euri's soccer team)

Lastly! our talents or skills...ummm???....😃 😊
(Coach Jorge & Coach Seth busy training with the soccer players)
  • soccer! ⚽...even though i'm not good at it & volleyball is my fave sports, learning new things is good, i really want to spend more "quality" time with my son and be involve with lots of kids (which is my ministry). During training time, Otnie should persevere, be more responsible, obedience, attentive & initiative.
  • drawing! 🎨...after we're done with a basic! Yey! my hubby is going to teach me and Otnie!!..Yahoo! At last!
  • programming! 🖥...i dunno if i could "Still!" remember all the programming languages (Uh-Oh!) which i've done before because i focused so much time in taking care of my son's needs and homeschooling..(Oh! Too Busy! Of! a "Full-time" mommy). But lately! I didn't expect that God provided me a project in web developing! (Yey! 😁😊 So happy to be back as "programmer!" Whew! For a very very! Long Time 😮) God wants me to improve & to learn more, so that I could teach & transfer my skills to Otnie or anyone who love to learn more! Hoping that Otnie would be more responsible & had a "humble heart" to obey during lesson time.
  • violin! 🎻..."Maybe" i would try to learn? or ask "someone" to teach me? 😊 umm...who could that be? (Just maybe!..ok?) 😉 During lesson/teaching time, Hoping! Otnie won't makes me cry "again!" for being so stubborn! he should be "Humble" and "Obedience" to learn/listen well! During practice time, he should be more "initiative" (no need to remind!), enthusiasm, diligent & responsible.
  • guitar! 🎸...oh! i shouldn't stopped practicing, i should "persevere" & be more "enthusiasm"..😊 when i'm frustrated 😂...ask hubby to help me (he's the expert! 😎). Same with Otnie, he should learn how to play guitar too!
  • piano keyboard! 🎹...otnie & i should give time to improve more bec. we should think that we're doing it "All for HIM".
  • cooking! 🍲🍳🍚...otnie loves to eat 😊 so he must learn how to cook 😋

We can't accomplished those things, if we do it by our "own effort." It's "possible" if we're dependent to God. Sometimes we may failed because of our imperfectness, but by the grace of God, He's always there to help us through! 😊 Just remember! We do it for God (not to boast & not to please people) and don't give up! 💗 😉
(We "Mega Sports Camp Volunteers" do the 6am devotional before starting our fun activities! with Mr. Paul Tan-chi sharing about remember to recharge & his life experience)

Mega Point for DAY 2 is I Can Conquer The Day When I..."Listen To Leaders."  1 Samuel 16 is a story of Samuel on how to listen God "carefully." Samuel anointed David by listening to God. Jesse brought seven sons (except David) to Samuel, but God told Samuel that He does not look on the outside, but at the heart of a person. Samuel still listen to God even though Jesse hesitated about his youngest son David, because Jesse looked at David as a shepherd boy.
(At 6am devotional, Coach Avi sharing about listening to leaders and her life experience)

God put leaders in our lives to help us make good choices. And obeying leaders in the Lord is right. God is the "first leader", but being a wife to my husband, i should be a submissive wife...meaning to say that i should listen to my spiritual leader. Otnie should obey us (me, my hubby, coaches, teachers, any leaders), sometimes we make mistake!..we are all not perfect. Obeying someone should be pleasing to God.
(Yey! nice one Rad!)

For the 2 past years until now, my homeschooling days aren't smooth, i thought.."we're so delay! i don't know how can we cope all it up easily." Every time when we start our day and i looked at the lesson, i asked God puzzledly..."Is it worth to continue homeschooling? We're all delay??!! It's impossible to track on time!!?? Am I a good teacher?" God spoke to me..."What's the point of being delay? you're still on track! Otnie has his own creative ways of learning, even! exploring new things, which you don't even! notice at all! because you're too busy worrying on something which is not helping to your homeschool​. Just listened to Me and be like Samuel!" Oh well!...We never know what's the future lies, but i must listen to God.  😊
(my soccer team received certificate, sadly! got injured)

Sometimes, we may encountered people which are unlovable and hard to understand. God reminded me that I should forgive, it doesn't matter if they don't treated well, be understandable and humble enough to accept it. I know... that i should listen to God because He made that situation for us to learn something very important which is to "grow spiritually."  😉 💗
(with my "sweet & friendly" huddle coaches)

God "speaks" each one of us, either through His Word or directly or through Godly leadership. It is important for us to listen His voice.
(my small Josh versus four!)

Mega Point for DAY 3 is I Can Conquer The Day When I..."Remember To Recharge." Psalm 23 is a songs made by David when he needed to recharge physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, he sang praises to the Lord. David sang that he doesn't lack anything because God is his shepherd , The Lord refreshes David's soul too! But even the darkest times, David isn't afraid because God is with him all the time. God gives David a feast in front of David's enemies, meaning to say that no need to worry, God is always there for us.
(Otnie & his soccer team received certificate)

We are like sheep that needed guidance, caring and help. God wants us to be his shepherd. He wants to give us rest and taking care of Him. If we are willingly to ask God, He will help us to recharge physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
(Skill Coaches! - i love them much! they are my encourager, best buddies, teachers!)

Sometimes, we are too busy doing something or too focused on learning new things, but we forgot to recharge. Rest is the most important part of being healthy. When i forgot to spend "good quality" time with God, even though i slept and ate enough, our homeschooling days get worst and I'm easily "losing my temper" or being "so emotional" (madrama! Over Acting..haha! 😄). That's why i need a spiritual recharge first! 😊 then goes along with "physical, mental and emotional"  😊 💗
(Skill Coaches! - friendly and accommodating!)

We all stressed out to our daily activities (interacting with people, facing problems, activities that need to be done) because we forgot to spend time with least 15 minutes of praying together with reading God's word before we do our day. God is the only one who could give us an "overflowing recharge" of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
(praying, cooperating and encouraging one another)

Mega Point for DAY 4 is I Can Conquer The Day When I..."Compete With Courage." 1 Samuel 17 is a story of David facing Goliath without fear. David is a shepherd boy with staff on his hand, slingshot and 5 smooth stones for his weapon. Goliath was tall, strong and mean soldier, he fought a lot and had big weaponry. David loves and trust God so much. He knew who God is. That gave him courage to fight Goliath. That's why David won the battle!
(fun activities - storytelling! like.. about the story of David "Compete with courage")

Do we have Goliath in our lives? Yes! All of us have Goliath in our lives. But it depends how we face it!
(fun activities - sing and dance!)

Since in my teenage life, i have "fear of losing friends" one by one. I'm inadequate at choosing to be my close friends. Couple months ago, i had an incident of losing a friend, i treated "that someone" not only a friend in spite of to be part of my family. As time goes by, "that someone" doesn't respect me at all, too mean! even though i demonstrated my love and care, but gets worst, i thought was a close friendship had simply been "wishful thinking", i cried and wondered.."Why are you getting worse? & so rude? Did i say something bad? What did i do that make you feel so annoyed? Is it about asking you twice if you have compassion?" Because of that incident, God and my spiritual leader (that's my hubby..💗) made me realize that i should let go! nothing to be afraid of losing "that someone", it's "that someone" lost, not mine. I forgave and learned that it's wiser to let go, then start developing other friendships that are lasting which is "loving, open (be honest to one another), respectful, speaker of truth (confront of wrongdoing... for improvement! ...umm... speaking truth in love & trying not to be hurtful), positive person, servant (unselfishness) and trustworthy." In Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." God will direct us by finding the right friends as long as we're faithful and obedient to Him. Even i let "that someone" go, i still pray for "that someone" that God may touch "that someone" heart and be transformed into God's likeness 😊 Being friendly to anyone is "great", but letting them to influence by setting a great example to one another. I'm always reminding Otnie in 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in what you say and in how you live. Also set an example in how you love and in what you believe. Show the believers how to be pure." 😄 😊
(fun activities - reciting Mega Points & Mega Verse)

All of us face different challenges in life, but God is the ultimate source of courage and strength to help us overcome whatever comes our way.
(praying together, encouraging one another)

Mega Point for DAY 5 is I Can Conquer The Day When I..."Skip the Shortcuts." 1 Samuel 18, 24, 26. A story about how David honors God without skipping the shortcuts. While Saul disobeyed God and took shortcuts. Saul was the first king of Israel. David didn't skip shortcuts by killing Saul twice to become king, but later on he did become king as God had promised.

(lifting & treating one another like real brothers and sisters)

I should be submissive wife to my "beloved" hubby, it's not that easy, though, sometimes, too! tempting to do the easiest way (shortcuts) which is too risky in the long run. My hubby and i started as freelance programmers since we got married. We lived in a simple and contented other words!..we're joyful and healthy relationship (Christ-Centered Relationship 💕) as a couple. Suddenly! Otnie came in, we're "so" happy joyful (Christ-Centered Relationship 💖) as a family. When Otnie was almost 6 years old, this is where i started not to submit to my hubby, which I made God unhappy. In the family, all of the members could join for decision making, but the "final decision" would be the spiritual leader of the family which is my hubby. Instead of submitting at my hubby's decision, i argued with him. I thought that when my hubby had a job could sustain all our financial needs, but it was a big! biggie! mistake! I worried too much and thinking of.."Can a freelancer sustain all the financial needs? What will happened to our future to come? Otnie is here! he needs more support!" To make an argument end, my hubby got a job (he loves me much & he doesn't want me to be unhappy...i'm bad! 😈 that's not a wise decision i've made 😢). I'm "so" foolish! i took the shortcuts, i didn't submit to my hubby and didn't trust God either! Because of my foolishness, my hubby lost his job a lot of times, it's either the company closed of bankruptcy or got an idiotic boss. Our homeschooling, suffered! little by little, or even getting worse because of being so "worrisome". Relationships toward one another are not good. Oh! I made everything so messy! I realized that i can't bear all the consequences I've done. I asked God for forgiveness, because of God's unfailing love and mercy, He restored one by one.
(Coach Earl makes soccer training to be more fun and creative)

The other way around, if you choose what is right, no matter how hard it is, God will bless you and that is best. A lot of parents been wondering how i trained Otnie by deciding on his own which food he should eat, even you encourage or leave junk food in front of him, but "still" he would choose what is best for him and he would rather advice/encourage you to eat healthy food ..heh! 😉 I remembered how hard it is by choosing the right way (not the shortcut way), but it was all worth it! I asked God for guidance how to take care of my son. God didn't give me extra budget to buy junk food, like chips, ice cream, candies, chocolates, soda drinks, etc., just enough for 3 meals a day, so God gave me a budget for buying only fruits, veggies, fishes, some livestock's meat at the wet market. I thought that God was so unfair to me. When i was young, me and my siblings used to eat junk food, we (my parents, my siblings and me) believe that if we're done with the meal, we could eat any junk food we love, but honestly! it's "not healthy" to eat junk food everyday. God wanted me to remove that kind of believe. So! it's a wise decision that i followed God. When someone (especially! Otnie's grandma! Uh-Oh!) bought chocolates or any junk foods for Otnie, he seldom eat it. Most of the time, we (my hubby and i) are the one who finished the junk food..hehe! 😊
(Otnie is waiting to get in the rally zone)

When we're facing different challenges in life, we "might" tempted to take shortcuts because that's the easiest way to do, but when we think "wisely", that's "not" the best things to i said earlier "too risky!" or "worst consequences!" God can give us wisdom and strength to do the right choices even it's difficult.
(oh! they are too busy aiming at the ball!)

Mega Verse is "In all these things, we are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us. Romans 8:37"


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