Friday, February 27, 2015


[Hebrews 11:1-3 Photo Source: Daily Bible Verses]

One time my uncle was joking by saying that i looked like a beggar because the way i wear.

This is my conversation with my uncle:
My uncle: (laughing) Look at your shirt! it's a grayish white! look like a beggar 
I: I'm not really a beggar, in God's kingdom I'm rich.
My uncle: (act begging) hahaha! where is it? I don't see it.
I: you don't see it because you don't believe in Jesus. Before, you keep on begging us for your need, and now! who's the one providing it?

My uncle thought that we're financially hopeless, but Jesus never left my family. We live in a simple life. I could still continue my homeschooling in God's great provision and we could still eat "Healthy and YummY" food!  :)

We must have faith in Jesus. Faith is believing without seeing anything in our own eyes. Jesus is our God, He is our protector and He is our great provider.

By: Otnie

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