Monday, February 2, 2015

The Holy Spirit That Jesus Gave Us

[Photo Source: Prayer]

We must thank GOD because HE gave us the HOLY SPIRIT. HOLY SPIRIT teaches us to know about GOD and help us to make things right.

Reading GOD's words are not that too easy because it's too deep to understand, but when you received the HOLY SPIRIT we understand what the GOD's word is.

When i took PEPT (The Philippine Educational Placement Test), the HOLY SPIRIT teaches me during the examination and told me when i'm going to take an examination. I thought that i'm late, but the HOLY SPIRIT said "go! for it!", i obeyed, but still i arrived early. I passed the examination with high grades.

If we obey the HOLY SPIRIT, GOD blesses us more and more.

By: Otnie

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