Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is It Really Hard To Pray?

Have you considered thinking that prayer is just simply "thanking" or "talking" with God?

Most of the time we forgot to pray during meal time or before bedtime.

Before we eat our meal, we always pray or simply thanking God for provision. God never stop giving things or promising us, but yet once we get what we need or want, thanking was not expected. Let's try to count the things He has given to us today. Have you noticed that there's a lot of things to thank for, but we seldom counting it. Believe me, if we start thanking Him, we will not always grumbling.

Go-Ku (Otnie took this picture)

Last sunday, it was my older sister's birthday celebration, when the food is served, Otnie started to pray, but he noticed his uncles put the food on their plate and started to eat.

Si-Ku & Gwama (Otnie took this picture)

otnie (pointing his 5th uncle and shout out): "go-ku! pray"
go-ku (5th uncle on mother side): "ay! sorry sorry".. then start to pray
otnie (pointing his 4th uncle and shout out): "si-ku! pray"
si-ku (4th uncle on mother side): "oh! tsk! tsk!"..cover his face and start to pray

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