Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Othniel Rue means?

As a mother of Otnie, I wanted to share a story on why I gave my son's name "Othniel Rue".

Othniel means God is might and powerful one.
Rue is a kind of herb. It was valued for its antiseptic and disinfectant qualities. It was also used to flavor foods and for tithe (offering).

Othniel Rue is my first born child. From in my womb till today, God showed me how powerful He is. He also showed me how He laid His mighty hands on this child. Whenever I ask a prayer for this child, God answered immediately, I know He loves this child so much. So here's the story.

God told me that I will be having a healthy baby. I'm so amazed and puzzled because that time I assumed I'm in one week menstruation period, but God told me that I have to stand firm and to trust Him no matter what may happened. I committed everything unto God's hand and took a pregnancy test, so that's it... I'm pregnant!!! But my obstetrician told me that I must be in full bed rest. She also told me that after a month I have to check if the baby is alive or not, uh! oh!... it's way too scary! it seems I'm losing my faith, if i lost my son, i might feel lots of pain or deep sadness, but my obstetrician gave me an encouragement not to give up and have faith in God. I'm so thankful for using this doctor as a tool to remind me of God's unconditional love.

I know God has a purpose for everything. My mom initiated that I have to stay with her so that someone will took care of me while my husband went out for work.

God loves us unconditionally! During my fully bed rest, the only thing i do is spending "more" time with God alone, like reading His words; singing or playing songs with Him; a heart to heart talked with Him (oftenly!) as if!'re imagining that there is always someone besides me, but it's invisible!  :)   I felt that He always there to take care of me, when I needed something, whether big or small, He immediately answered it. I remembered when I'm graving for pizza. I said to God (while I'm rubbing my tummy) "You know Jesus...hmmm!...yum!...yum!...yummmy! I love pizza, but that's ok if I don't have it", 'coz during weekdays everyone in the house went out for work, so no one is with me except house helper, but I'm a type of contented and shy person. When my mom got home, she bought a pizza for me... wow! i'm so amazed!

Before I've got fully recovered, God told me that He wanted me to do something for His glory, it's all about a beautiful lady who needed help and I should be prepared. After a couple of days, my husband told me that there was a girl calling and looking for me, so!... I told my husband if she calls back then give her my mom's phone number. Now I know!!! on why this happening to me. God has a greatest mission for me that i must do, like giving counsel and encouragement to a single mom. She's so young to get married and having a child at early stage. The problem is her husband had an affair with someone and bore a son. She filled with remorse and too painful on what her husband done to her, so she planned to get suicide, but God stopped it and made a way for me to talk with her. Before i got pregnant, I've met this single mom at the internet forum who's seeking for an advice. I chatted with her and gave an advice, but suddenly we've stopped communicating at the internet for almost 2 years. I'm so glad that I do have her mobile phone number. Even though she wasn't replying any text message to me, but i still always love to send her a text message of encouragement and prayed for her. I also gave her my landline number for just in case she wants to call me. To make the story short...she called back in God's perfect time! :) I never thought that her husband was "my childhood playmate" means... a close family's neighborhood. At the end, she came to know Christ and had a good relationship with Him. Thanks God! He's indeed! a powerful One!  ;)

I gave birth Otnie in 1 month earlier than my due date, Oh!.. which is not a good sign to give an early birth, it's another test for me if i would "sincerely" trust God. While I'm waiting and rubbing my tummy at the labor room, I said..."baby, pray with mommy that God would help us to have a fine delivery." It took me 1-2 hours at the labor room, i cried and begging for my hubby to be with me, but the hospital rules that only nurses, doctors or any hospital staff are allowed to get in. Some of the hospital staff are "so rude" and they don't even accompany me to go to the bathroom, i don't even know that isn't safe to go alone, but still! God is there to comfort and protect me. Whew! It took me for 20 minutes to deliver Otnie at the delivery room. Yes! God doesn't want me to taste the longer labor pain. After I normally delivered Otnie, the doctor said that my baby looks very healthy and no need to put him at the incubator. Amazing!!! Yey!

Up until now, I've learned that whether in "good" or in "bad" situation, but still...."GOD IS IN CONTROL". Everything happened for a reason, but there's a greatest outcome, if we truly trust and follow God's plan.

Whenever I see this child praying for someone and give thanks for God's goodness, it reminds me that I should always pray instead of worrying on something which is not helpful.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Othniel Rue because God showed me how powerful He is. I never thought that this child would born alive and healthy. So I offered him to God.

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