Thursday, July 15, 2010

Learn How To Read

"Communication" has an important role to develop a child's learning how to read. The best teaching tools is "the most interest thing to do" for your child.

When otnie was 2 years old, he was fun playing with computer games, so I started to teach him how to read alphabet letters with phonemic awareness at starfall. You could also visit at word world.

He loves to play computer games, especially car race games. This is how he played computer games when he was 2 years old :)

When we're out and saw some sign-age or poster, i asked otnie to try reading it. My husband and i always reminded him need to learn how to read or else he might get lost.

Sometimes i'll make a fun games while walking down the street, i'll point an object then i say the word in a funny way or sing it or say it loud or soft, and even make funny faces while i say it. After that, i'll test him what's the first or the last letter sound of the word that i mentioned earlier.

Reading is important for many reasons. It gives you time together. It tells your child that reading is very important. It also lets you share your knowledge and ideas with your child.

Before your child can read words, they need to know the sound of letters. We usually play alphabet magnet in front of the fridge, he loves it very much :) like for example.. i will sing "we make a sound Ah Ah Ah..Ah!" while putting the letter "A" in a fun way, or we could play a guessing games. Starfall is the best online reading tools for a starter.

You can help your child develop early reading skills by reading stories out loud and asking your child to think about what is read.

Sample of practice reading at starfall

Reading a story becomes a part of otnie everyday activity. I'm so glad that he loves to read on his own.

I'm so thankful for God's guidance and provision, without Him there is no fulfillment at all.

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