Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who Jesus Is?
Otnie loves to read bible story. He always reminding me do the devotional bible study first, then after that...we're going to start the home-school lesson. Sometimes when I'm trying to omit the devotional because of worrying that we might be delaying the lesson, but he kept insisting and reminding me "mommy,  What Would Jesus Do for Kidz first then lesson, don't be so worry, Jesus is always there to help us.",d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNH5UfgIaOK3MzJXAKLIKTrh7qoDqA&ust=1413957305558478

Lately, we made a newspaper activity about "Tell the Good News" in What Would Jesus Do for Kidz, then mail it to someone we know who needs to learn about Jesus. I asked Otnie to make a short story about "Who Jesus Is?", I'm so amazed that he made a simple poem, because it was his first time to make a poem. His daddy helped us in designing the newspaper. Then I made a short story about the relationship of Otnie to Jesus.

Thanks to Extra Newspapers for free newspapers template.

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