Being courageous, is by standing firm what is righteous and truthful to God's eyes.
One time I got discouraged when "someone" forces me to do something which made my parents so disappointed and not happy about it. This is my second time for disobeying my parents. GOSH! I made God so unhappy. It's like I'm the same with the seed where thrown down into the road, then a quick snatched by the birds. The seed is the Word of God. So during application time, I always failed to remember and use the Word of God, like what I've said earlier, instead of obeying my parents, I obeyed "someone"!!!...too bad :( In Ephesians 6:1-4 says "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right, "Honor your father and mother" - which is the 1st commandment with a promise- so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." (which I supposed to remember and do that!)
Be like Esther, she had courage to fight for her nation in God's power and I too! should have that kind of "courage." I should always pray for God's protection and wisdom, so that next time, when that "someone" forces me again to do which is not pleases to God's eye, I'm all prepared to fight until the end. Also!!! I should always pray for that...that!...that! "someone" to know and experience the "unconditional love" of God, then! be change from unlovable to compassionate person. ^_^ TAAaaaaTTTttttTTAAaa!! ^_^
"You live in the King's palace. But you don't think that just because you are there you will be the only Jew who will escape. What if you don't say anything at this time? Then help for the Jews will come from another place. But you and your family will die. Who knows? It's possible that you became queen for a time just like this." - Esther 4:13b-14
Are we brave enough to face the fears of your life? Do we need God's power to face those fears?
By: Otnie
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